Thanks for clarifying, @rkaplan. I agree the menu bar icon is distant, particularly on a large monitor. It’s a first step. Having said that, we’ve already received feedback from users who are enjoying it, presumably because they don’t always need the information, and appreciate not having extra clutter in their UI. Moreover, the habit-forming power of new features can be hard to predict.
Still, we are very likely to implement an optional floating window that users can position where they want, as noted in:
We may be able to take that even further, but we can’t comment on that aspect yet.
as noted, that will be dealt with in Hook 3.6.1
We’ve recently added a bit of “Hook” Finder tag maintenance. Further Finder integration remains on our road map (competing with other features). However, we do need to keep in mind that Finder is just one of many apps with which Hook is compatible. Finder is important, but given that Hook works with so many apps, no app captures a large percentage, let alone the majority, of all usage. Hence, one of the advantages of the designs we have published and are developing in house for this feature is that they work consistently across all apps, such that user does not need to look in different places for same thing in different contexts— another cognitive consideration amongst a buch of tradeoffs. Having said that, Finder is of course special and merits, as you and I would agree on, special consideration.