Hook 3.0 (4312) is now available

The slow one is Big Sur and fast one Catalina. More likely, the slow one has a bigger database, but was fine on v2.

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for the record, as of 3.1 if Pinboard is not setup, or disabled, then Reveal Page in Pinboard menu item is disabled. this will continue to evolve as we integrate with other bookmarking services.

@stevelw . If the issue returns, could you please check on memory usage, using Activity Monitor. thank you.

Hook process is using 35MB with 9 threads.

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I’ll add that Hook is very slow to open the search interface on my Intel Mac Mini with Big Sur 11.4. It takes approximately 5 seconds to pull up the list of links, and there are only about 30 of them because I wiped out the database and started over after my trial period was over and I wanted to start using it for real. The CPU goes to about 80% for the whole time, and RAM stays at approximately 75MB (on a 32GB system).

Thanks for following up. As a general update: we’ve done some performance enhancements. We’ve also shared a build that we thought might have addressed the issue that some users have faced but it didn’t quite do the trick. It remains on our radar. A clue for us is that only a few users have experienced (and of at least one of those users, it is experienced on one Mac but not the other). We have broader changes in the works for the search view that might make this issue go away; but as we don’t know the source yet we’d like to nail this issue before the bigger changes are published.