Has anyone set up Hook to work with emails from Hey.com?

I have an email account with Hey.com and I’m using their Mac app.

Has anyone figured out how to get the address for the currently open email into Hook? I noticed that I can right-click and select “Copy Page Address” on an email’s page, so I’m hopeful that there is some way to get this URL via AppleScript.

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Welcome to the Hook Productivity Forum , @nertzy, and thanks for asking. We’ve had requests for integration and got in touch with the Hey devs for an API – still no movement as far as we know. If you can get the URL of an email, then you could feed it into Hook via Focus on Link in Clipboard and Hook to Copied Link.

hook seems to work with the web version of hey.com but it’s clunky compared to the hey.com app…

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We asked them last year and they said:

We don’t have plans for a public API in the near future.

Might be good for any Hey customers to request support from Hey. Contacting Developers of Other Apps and Information for Developers – Hook. Maybe now that the Manifesto for Ubiquitous Linking has been published they will better understand the need for this.