My Hookmark is no longer working with latest version of Forklift. Is this due to version changes in Forklift or Mac OS or a problem with my setup?
The menu structure for Copy Path has changed, which has broken the compatibility with Hookmark app. We’ll adjust on our end. Customers might wish to stick with ForkLift 4.1.5 (it is 4.1.6 that breaks things) until then.
Here is the new Get Address Script for ForkLift4. Could you please go to Hookmark Preferences window->Scripts->ForkLift4->Get Address, replace the script with the following one, then click on Save button? See if it fixes the problem.
use framework "Foundation"
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
property NSMutableCharacterSet : a reference to current application's NSMutableCharacterSet
on urlEncode(input)
tell current application's NSString to set rawUrl to stringWithString_(input)
set charset to NSMutableCharacterSet's URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet's mutableCopyWithZone:(missing value)
charset's removeCharactersInString:"?"
set theEncodedURL to rawUrl's stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters:charset
return theEncodedURL as Unicode text
end urlEncode
tell application "ForkLift"
set fkVer to version
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "ForkLift"
set the clipboard to ""
delay 0.3
considering numeric strings
set is4_1_6 to fkVer ≥ "4.1.6"
end considering
if is4_1_6 then
click menu item 2 of menu 1 of menu item 20 of menu 1 of menu bar item 3 of menu bar 1
return the clipboard
click menu item 22 of menu 1 of menu bar item 3 of menu bar 1
end if
delay 0.3
set theURL to "file://" & my urlEncode(the clipboard)
end tell
end tell
Thank you for this.
I have tried this and it seems as best I can determine that Hookmark works with local folders and files in Forklift but not in Desktop and Documents which I have synced to iCloud. This may have been the case before I raised this issue with the new version of Forklift. Hookmark certainly worked just fine across the board before latest version of Forklift.
Sorry about this issue, @Kupe .
I just modified the script in the previous post. Could you please give it a try and see if it works?
Thank you
Thank you very much for this @bchend. It seems to be working as expected now.
Thank you, @Kupe.
We have updated our script server, version 337.
You can update your local script. Then go to Hookmark Preferences window->Scripts->ForkLift4, and click on “Reset to default” button. This will reset your local change so you can get future update.