[FIXED] To invoke Hook window in Ulysses one needs to select the doc in the Sheets column (not put the focus in editor). A bug with Ulysses

with the SetApp version of Ulysses and macOS 10.15.2, I’ve just seen an issue with Hooks title bar. However, links works fine so far.

What you’re describing seems to be a timing issue, which can happen with UI scripting. A developer of ours will look at this.

(We will be showcasing some note taking apps, like Bear and Drafts, that adequately support automation. But that’s no consolation to Ulysses users. We encourage Hook users who use Ulysses to request automation support from its developer, SoulMen (their twitter handle is https://twitter.com/ulyssesapp?lang=en)), as I believe several have already.

we mailed them in March and possibly earlier/later. I’ve sent them an email again with details again.
For those who’d rather use twitter than email, here’s my latest tweet to @ulyssesapp . We’re sure SoulMen are very busy people. I certainly understand being in a position where there is a huge pipeline of work and customer demands.

However, I think that the ability to link documents together is of primary importance. Otherwise, an app’s documents/data are sequestered. We know from the web that the ability to link information changes everything. That’s why we’ve built Hook and intend to continue extending its reach.

@LucB Thanks for the efforts. Look forward to solving this issue. I also replied to the tweet.

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So far, we can’t reproduce this issue. We suspect that there’s a delay on your Mac for some reason that is causing the script to fail. there’s a loop in the Get Address script

	tell process "Ulysses"
		repeat 50 times

Could you please try replacing 50 with 75? It won’t slow down Hook’s responsiveness in the context of Ulysses (or other apps), because the script exits that loop upon success which will normally be earlier than 75.

that’s in Hook > Gear Menu > Preferences menu item > Scripts (tab) > Ulysses (on left) > Get Address (near top of the Scripts tab).

Please be sure to touch the Save button after making the change.

We might tweak this number in the built-in scripts.

Tried 75. Still the same issue but thanks a lot.

Thanks for letting me know this. And very sorry you are running into this.

This means we at CogSci Apps need to provide a way for users to feed the URL of an item from Ulysses (or other UI scripted apps) into Hook so they can retrieve their links in cases where UI-scripting breaks down. For more reliable apps, this isn’t an issue. The workflow might be for the an affected user to

  1. copy the URL themselves from Ulysses into the clipboard,
  2. invoke Hook in the context of Ulysses

if Hook cannot retrieve links but detects that there is a URL in the copy buffer, then it might populate the Hook window with the URLs. This would happen automatically. No extra command required.

In addition, this could be generalized into an additional function that might be handy in other cases, such that the app context would not matter ( something like, show links for address in copy buffer).

The current UI architecture and its direction would support something like this.

That would be great workaround. Thanks, Look format to it.

As a test, how about changing this:

delay 0.1


delay 1


That’s before set s to (the clipboard) near the end of the script.

If that works, then it might be a matter of choosing a number in between the two.

At my end, with a very fast Mac, making that parameter very small leads to the kind of behavior you reported.

If so, we could perhaps set such parameters in an adaptive matter automatically.(Caveat: I haven’t run that by our developers.)

Thanks very much again for providing this info.

No luck. Still not working. :frowning:

oh, sorry to hear.

not to belabor the point, but just to be 100% sure (because sometimes these things happen in testing): I don’t suppose there’s any chance you applied the parameters to the Set App Ulysses script rather than Mac App Store version of the Ulysses script. The bundle name is below the app name in the list of Scripts on the left. Sorry I forgot to mention this specifically; and sorry that this is probably a redundant bit of information.

Thanks for letting me know. I noticed that. I did apply on Mac App version. :slight_smile:

today, we implemented this. However, it’s probably better for this display of links to be triggered by a keyboard shortcut, such as ⌃⌘⇧L, rather than happening automatically when there is an address in the clipboard (because it often won’t be desired – though perhaps an advance preference here would be useful). The Hook popup window will need to adjust dynamically to make clear what is presented. For now, when the command is issued in the case where there is a valid address in the clipboard, we could simply change the “LINKS” title to "LINKS TO CLIPBOARD ADDRESS (<address> ).

The feature will be tweaked in the future as we intend to present other types of content in the Hook window, as we (CogSci Apps) mentioned recently, e.g., Recent Items.

We’re internally testing a new build for this. If it goes well, we’ll release it as 1.3.3, which also contains some other changes, later today.

Here’s a version of Hook with the change I mentioned:
Hook version 1.3.3 (build 2960) is now available - Releases - Hook Productivity Forum
so you can enter the Ulysses address.

Hi, “Hooking” Ulysses does not seem to work for me, regardless of what i select (German OS).

Hook Version 2.2.2 (4009)
Ulysses Mac, Version 22 (Build 65099)
macOS, Version 11.2.1 (Build 20D74)

Ulysses is not listed as supported in German: Linkable Mac Apps – Hook yet. That is due to Ulysses being UI scripted at the moment. Ulysses does not have linking for automation, so Hook needs to use UI scripting, which is visible in this screen Scripts Tab – Hook.

I’m going to close this topic because the prior issues in it were addressed… Please start a new Discussion topic if you’d like to discuss internationalization of this app.

For Ulysses, you may want to ask them to add an API. So far they’ve resisted the effort but who knows… Contacting Developers of Other Apps and Information for Developers – Hook

We’ll provide a German version of Ulysses ‘support’. (Some UI-scripted apps are already supported in German).