NB: This only affects macOS Mojave users.
We’ve had a couple of reports: When Hook is first launched, they receive an error message " There was an error opening System Preference window" and this note : “Not authorized to send Apple events to System” with details:
NSAppleScriptErrorAppName = “System Preferences”;
NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = “Not authorized to send Apple events to System Preferences.”;
NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = “Not authorized to send Apple events to System Preferences.”;
NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = “-1743”;
NSAppleScriptErrorRange = “NSRange: {68, 39}”;
We will improve Hook’s onboarding wizard/assistant to prevent this problem.
Meanwhile, if you experience this you can manually authorize Hook in System preferences:
Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk access
Unlock the lock on bottom left.
Then hit the “+” button and select Hook. -
Security & Privacy > Privacy > Automation
Under “Hook” If you see an entry for Preferences, you can turn it on, and relaunch Hook for the wizard to be able to popup that window.
This should solve the problem.
Thereafter, you will still receive one authorization request per app with which you want to use Hook, courtesy of Apple not providing an ability for their advanced users to provide blanket authorization. (Other developers kindly tweeted/blogged about this right after WWDC 2018 to influence Apple).
It might be that some users inadvertently denied Hook permission to access System Preferences; or there may have a more general explicits forbidding this.
Update 2019-02-16. We are currently updating Hook’s onboarding wizard/assistant. We will also improve our onboarding documentation. (Sorry, we have been shorthanded on documentation since just before the launch.)