I’ve done some work to the performance of Airmail’s Open Item script and I’m pretty proud of the improvements I’ve seen in my tests.
The new script will be in the next build of Hook, but if you’d like to try it right now you can go ahead:
set MessageID to "$0"
set MessageID to text 9 thru -1 of MessageID
set filePaths to do shell script "find ~/Library/Group\\ Containers/*.airmail/SharedData*/Accounts.plist"
tell application "System Events"
set mailAccounts to {}
repeat with filePath in every paragraph of filePaths
set itemNodes to property list items of property list file filePath
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in itemNodes
set itemNode to item i of itemNodes
set mailAccount to value of property list item "mail" of itemNode
if mailAccounts does not contain mailAccount then
set end of mailAccounts to mailAccount
end if
end repeat
end try
end repeat
repeat with a from 1 to length of mailAccounts
set acc to item a of mailAccounts
open location "airmail://message?mail=" & acc & "&messageid=" & MessageID
end repeat
end tell
Let me know how this compares when you get a chance to try it.