Hi all,
First I really love Hookmark! But I am worried if one day this app is no longer being maintained for whatever reasons (I certainly hope NOT). Is there a way I could just export all the “relationships” for all the hooks I made for all my files? and what they will look like? For example -
will they be text file for each hooked file - and then in the text file - there will be info on other hooked file? How will this work or there is already such features?
I apologize if someone already answer that question. Please point me to the right post. Thank you!
Thank for getting in touch, @znchong .
Yes, you can export all bookmarks and their relationship to a file via
Hookmark settings window ->General->Linking->Link data->Export
Thank you
If you use DEVONthink, you may also want to check out this post.
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Thank you! I didn’t know that!
That’s a fun script. Thanks for sharing the link. It doesn’t preserve the relationships, of course, but I’m grateful just have local copies of things, in case. Things disappear from the internet with alarming rapidity these days.