Edit Linked Web Page URLs

I have a bunch of hookmark links to web pages for software apps. When a new version of the app is released a new set of web pages are released which contain the app version number. I want simply to change the version number in the URL but it seems I have to link to each new web page and then unlink the web page for the previous version.

If I can search in the hookmarks window for URLs is it not possible to select and then edit a URL?

Thank you for contacting us, @curl .

This feature is currently not available. We will have a look.

Thank you

For now, you can do “Copy All Hooked Links” ( You can find it in Hookmark Action menu) of the old web URL, then invoke Hookmark on the new web URL, and do “Hook to Copied Links”. So you don’t need do for each indivisual link.

After the above is finished, you can delete the old bookmark.

Thank you