Dropbox Hookmark links not working between different machines/users


I have a shared Dropbox folder with my business partner that we both have synced on our local machines. We have both acquired Hookmark as an easy way for us to share direct links to files and folders that live in that shared folder.

My understanding with Hookmark, based on the support materials, was that this workflow would be viable:

1: I copy a Hookmark link to a file or folder that is synced locally on my machine from our shared Dropbox folder.
2. He clicks on the link on his machine, and the file or folder that’s also synced locally on his machine is revealed in the Finder.

Is that correct?

As it stands, whenever he clicks on my created links, Hookmark gives an error that the file or folder doesn’t exist on his machine, even though it is synced locally there.

Are we doing something wrong here?

We’re both on the latest version of Dropbox and both running Sonoma. The only difference between our Dropbox accounts is that my local sync lives in Apple’s new CloudStorage location, while his still exists in the old location that was used before Apple forced this change.


Welcome to Hookmark forum, @MarkRM .

Sorry about this issue.

If he shares a link to you, can you open it?

Are his files on a network drive? If yes, could you please ask him to run the following command in Terminal and restart Hookmark, see if it resolves the issue?

defaults write com.cogsciapps.hook hfile.url.search.scope network

If not, could you please
(1)Create a test file in your Dropbox account,
(2)Copy a Hookmark link to the file
(3)Ask your business partner to copy a Hookmark link to the same file
(4)Send both Hookmark links to support@cogsciapps.com

Thank you

Thanks for this. I’ll give your steps a try at our next meeting and keep you posted.

Thanks @bchend, I investigated this further and have some more info that will hopefully help solve it. Will email customer support.