Documentation inaccurate for menu bar window

The page says click, but you mean ⌥click, yes?

When you [OPTION!] click on the Hook menu bar icon, a window appears.

This window has three main components:

(et cetera)

thanks for bringing that up, @DrMajorBob . The “tip” in
Hook > Preferences > General > Clicking menubar icon shows

is only relevant if you choose “hook window” in the radio button, because otherwise (i.e., if you choose the “Menu bar window” option), you don’t need to hold down the option key when clicking. We’ll clarify that.

What’s a radio button?

I didn’t see it in Preferences. I got it here:

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@DrMajorBob is correct.

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Thanks to both. I have corrected and clarified that page. (Later, I’ll add a hyperlink to the new text. We’re revamping the documentation, getting rid of the “weDocs” WordPress plugin which is broken. )