Do you want to allow this page to open “name of app”?

When using the safari web browser to click on on a link generated with hook I am prompted with a message asking me to allow the interaction.

Is there a way to tell Safari or my computer that I trust the interaction?

Specifically, I’m using DevonThink to store reference materials. I’m trying to open a link from Roam to those reference materials.

Thanks for any tips to eliminate an extra click!

Welcome to the Hook Productivity Forum, @Steve.

This behavior is web browser specific. I don’t know how to avoid it in Safari.

Work-arounds in Safari :

Or use a different browser. In Brave, you get a dialog box like this:

Brave opening a Hook link

After clicking the checkbox, you should be good to go.

I had heard that Roam Research will create an app version of itself, which would avoid the issue.


Aside: As an example usage of Hook, I’ve hooked this web page, locally, to my local copy of the screenshot , to the test page it illustrates and the Ask Different page.

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Thank you for the very helpful answer! I started to create a keyboard maestro macro to make all of this easier, but I’ve simply decided to use the Brave app.

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