DEVONthink 3 Reveal in Finder Issue

This seems really helpful!

Thanks for the tip.

I use DEVONthink and it seems there may be an issue with files that are imported into DEVONthink? For files that are only indexed, it opens the file up in finder correctly after multiple attempts of opening. For files that are imported into DEVONthink, it doesn’t seem to do anything? I just thought I would ask for some guidance.

The “Show in Finder” selection in DEVONthink opens the imported file correctly in Finder. Here is an example of a file location in finder of the imported file that isn’t opening correctly.

Thanks! @bchend

Thank you for reporting this problem, @tylermcrae7 .

We have updated our script server with the fix.

Could you please update your local script? The latest script version is 323.

Thank you

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Looks like it is working great. Thanks!!

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