Demise of iThoughtsX

It seems that iThoughtsX has been discontinued, which is a great shame as it was, to the best of my knowledge, the only mind mapping application that supported deep linking, i.e links to/from nodes in a map rather than the map file as a whole.

Does anyone know of any alternatives that support deep linking? I’ve tried MindNode, which in some respects was a nicer application to use, but it didn’t.

You might be interested in this one.

Seconded, given that Hookmark doesn’t work with Xmind.

MindManager is best on Windows (via Parallels), but the MacOS version is gradually catching up. It’s an option if you’re okay only having a viewer on iOS devices - no mobile editing.

Thanks, I’ll give it a look.

Adding that Mindmeister is a capable mind map solution but web only on OS X (but with mobile versions). A solution for OS X here would be connected to the general feature request in " Highlight text on webpage hook". This would then likely? involved UI scripting which is something that Hookmark tries to avoid.

Hi, posting late to the party but I’m in the market for mind mapping myself…
Here’s what I’ve found so far:

  • MindManager is great but it’s … very, very, very … expensive so probably not a solution unless you work at a company that has it
  • Mindnode doesn’t deep link AFAIK, but I’m going to try and contact their dev team … It has the advantage of being on setapp if you have it, and not that expensive if you don’t. All in all it’s nice but, yeah, it’s not iThoughts…
  • one tool that seems to fly a little bit under the rather is Simplemind. It seems to be on par with MindNode. I’m currently testing the 30day trial. It DOES have deep linking. Opt+Cmd+C will copy a link to a node, which will bring you back to your node even if the app is closed. However I’m afraid it’s not scriptable, so getting it to work may be a case of US scripting which is not ideal. Again, I’ll contact the devs and see …

Please add any solutions you may think of !

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I’d recommend you check out MarginNote 4.

It‘s an incredible piece of software and just happens to also have good mindmapping capabilities in the new version.

Relies on UI scripting to integrate with Hookmark, but this works without issues.

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Thanks for the update. I’d come across SimpleMind and tried it, but at that time it didn’t support deep links. Their customer support was very responsive and said they were planning to put links into the next release; looks like they have. I’ll take another look at it.

I doubt they’d find it easy to support scripting as it’s a cross platform app, which tends to mean either written to a cross platform tool kit like QT.

The latest SimpleMind can work with Hookmark. We will update the script server as soon as possible.

Thank you

Wonderful! Yes, customer support told me they’d been in contact with you and set up the opt-cmd-c menu shortcut to get the link. However, they drew the line at full scripting support (as @GaiusScotius said, cross plateform etc …)
Also, beware: the trial app and the paid app have different names, so any UI scripting may need to account for both …

As a side node the MindNote people told me they’d “look into it” :smiley:

So I’ve got a basic UI scripting solution for simpleMind but it has a very weird behavior.

Here’s the get name script

delay 0.1
set the clipboard to ""
delay 0.2
tell application "System Events" to tell process "SimpleMind Trial"
	click menu item "Copy" of menu 1 of menu item "Copy" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Edit" of menu bar 1
	delay 0.05
	repeat 50 times
			if (the clipboard) is not equal to "" then
				exit repeat
			end if
		end try
		delay 0.05
	end repeat
end tell
get the clipboard

and here’s the get adress script:

delay 0.1
set the clipboard to ""
delay 0.2

tell application "SimpleMind Trial" to activate

tell application "System Events" to tell process "SimpleMind Trial"
	if menu item "Copy Link to Topic" of menu 1 of menu item "Link Topic" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Edit" of menu bar 1 exists then
		click menu item "Copy Link to Topic" of menu 1 of menu item "Link Topic" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Edit" of menu bar 1
		click menu item "Link to Mind Map" of menu 1 of menu item "Link Topic" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Edit" of menu bar 1
	end if
	delay 0.05
	repeat 50 times -- poll clipboard for ~2.5 seconds
			if (the clipboard) is not equal to "" then
				exit repeat
			end if
		end try
		delay 0.05
	end repeat
end tell
get the clipboard

If I run it on a simplemind map i get something like this (with “Copy as Markdown Link”)

and sure enough, if I use the link I get back to the document, with the particular topic highlighted.

However, if I use hookmarks to try to link this topic to another document, things become wonky:

Am I missing something?

Thank you for reporting this issue, @seishonagon .

We are currently working on this issue.

Thank you

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Curio by is fantastic

it is, but it’s much more than I need.

I asked SimpleMind team via their email support to add option to have clickable markdown/rich link after pasting the link from hookmark, if you use it please ask as well, there might be higher chance for them to implement it

Hey, just starting to use Hookmark and I’ve been a longtime SimpleMind user. Interested to see this connection here. Happy to email the SimpleMind team. So what is the outcome right now if you create a link in Hookmark from SimpleMind? It’s not clickable?

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I think we can create links from simplemind app, the issue for me was pasting the links, I cannot paste hookmark links into nodes