Deleted bookmarks keep getting resurrected in v6.2


I wanted to report here that deleted bookmarks keep coming back in Hookmark 6.2

I’m not seeing a clear pattern as to why, but hope it can be resolved in future versions. This is actually reproducible consistently over here.

Note that deleted bookmarks do not come back immediately, nor do they after quitting and reopening Hookmark. It takes a while, but they do always come back.

Let me know if I can provide additional info to help narrow down the cause.


Sorry about this issue, @AW2307 .

What’s your Hookmark’s version?

Are these bookmarks pinned?

If you add a new bookmark to Hookmark, then delete it. Will this newly created bookmark come back?

Thank you

Version is 6.2 (6017; Integration v. 333)

When I check the bookmarks within their tag section, then they appear to be pinned. However, they are not displayed under the Pinned section. If I unpin them, select a different tag and then go back to the previous tag, then they are once again displayed as pinned.

However, if I search for the bookmarks under All bookmarks, they are not displayed as pinned and the context menu does not give an Unpin option.

I’ve added and removed a new bookmark, waiting to see if it will come back. As mentioned, it usually takes a while for this to happen. Will confirm later.

The behavior remained reproducible, there is definitely some kind of bug.

I was able to solve my immediate case by unpinning all items, then deleting them from within the tag and deleting the tag itself.

Newly hooked items don’t seem to have the issue.