Deep links in Scrivener (and other writing software)

I use hook mostly for academic research. Deep linking PDFs is a fantastic feature, but at the moment I can’t have the same level of deep linking within my writing software. I use Scrivener and literally have thousands of notes in my binder. These are jottings, more complex notes and longer texts that I’ve already published. Several years of research are organised in folders there. I’d like to have the possibility of deep linking inside Scrivener because sometimes I have a single document with 10,000 words or more and I’m facing the same linking issues that I had in PDFs – before using Hook’s deep linking.

Is this technically possible in Scrivener or any other writing software? Deep linking across ebooks and my own writing would save me so much effort!


Welcome to the Hook Productivity Forum , @Alejandro .

To quote our Linkable Mac Apps – Hook page:

  • :thinking: Scrivener: (Supports deep-linking to particular documents in Scrivener’s binder. Uses Scrivener’s x-scrivener-item: URLs rather than hook://fileURLs.)

The :thinking: is there because Scrivener does not have automation. Last time I talked with them was before Apple pledged to continue supporting AppleScript. So maybe Literature and Latte folks will now make the jump? See Contacting Developers of Other Apps and Information for Developers – Hook. Scrivener users might also want to point them to Linking Manifesto – Manifesto for Ubiquitous Linking. An increasing number of app developers are seeing the relevance of full linking (including automation).

Having said that , even with the UI scripting, you might find that the deep links are useful for you. Here “deep” is as deep as the Scrivener URLs go, which is to the embedded document level, I believe. If Scrivener supports note-level links then Hook can work with them.

Hook does not define a URL scheme for Scrivener. The URLs are obtained from Scrivener itself, as noted above. You may wish to search this forum for other entries re Scrivener.

Once you obtain a Scrivener URL, you can also do: Focus on Link in Clipboard