Copy Selection and Link - format output and universal shortcut?

Hello -
New user here, excited to “Copy Selection and Link” when quoting from PDFs in DEVONthink and Bookends to Word documents.

Wondering if it would be possible for Copy Selection and Link to join the Universal Shortcuts in preferences?

And also wondering if it’s possible for users to change the default output formatting to something like “[Selection]” ([Link]), like “This is the selection” (Link).

If not, I have created some janky but usable Alfred keystroke workflows to do this.

Alternatively, if I could AppleScript I could probably skip Hookmark altogether for this process and just script getting the selection, document title, and deeplink from DT and format the output.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts!

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Welcome to the Hookmark Forum , @joolian. And thanks for asking.

thanks we’re wondering how far we should go with that pane given the number of commands. We will expand it a bit in Hookmark 6.

not currently.

Thanks Luc! Will tweak my Alfred keystroke hacks for now and look into scripting … really enjoying how well Hook and DT and Bookends work together.

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