Command not found: com.cogsciapps.hook?

Refer to the official manual which states that using /Applications/Utilities/Terminal can operate the URL scheme (“integration.obsidian.URL.scheme”) for using Hookmark and Obsidian together. And write the following:
com.cogsciapps.hook integration.obsidian.URL.scheme obsidian-advanced-URI

But after running it, the result is: zsh: command not found: com.cogsciapps.hook
Please help me with how to handle this.

Welcome to Hookmark forum, @cjterrence .

Do you mean you want to use Obsidian’s advanced URI instead of it default URI? This is the command you can run in Terminal:

defaults write com.cogsciapps.hook integration.obsidian.URL.scheme obsidian-advanced-URI

Or I misunderstood you?

Thank you


when I run defaults write com.cogsciapps.hook integration.obsidian.URL.scheme obsidian-advanced-URI in Terminal,

the screen did not show any response.


That’s just part of the setup to make Hookmark work differently with Obsidian. Then when you use Hookmark to copy links in Obsidian, you’ll get the advanced URI.

The command ran successfully.

If you invoke Hookmark window on a selected Obsidian note, do “Copy Link” (command+c), you will get this note’s advanced URI.

Please give it a try and see if it works.

Thank you

1 First step, I select a note in Obsidian.

2 Second step, I use the Hookmark window to copy the link.

3 Third step, I observe that the copied link is in the following format:

Is this “obsidian-advanced-uri” link the hookmark link created by Hookmark? I don’t run Hookmark, but by installing the advanced-uri plugin for Obsidian, I can also generate such links.

I feel that Hookmark’s “hook://” links are more reliable than the links from the advanced-uri plugin, especially after these Obsidian files are renamed or moved. Therefore, I prefer to use “hook://” links.

However, if I use “hook://” links in this case, it will cause the Obsidian MD files to be opened by another default Markdown file editor on macOS, rather than by Obsidian itself.

Yes. Actually Hookmark gets the link from the plugin.

You can fix this by setting Obsidian as the default editor for markdown files.

Thank you