Hook Version 1.0-beta (build 2498) is now available for download via Hook’s download page and Hook’s in app update mechanism.
We apologize for this update coming so close to the wire of beta expiration.
This document contains important information about this update that brings us quite close to the official (post beta) release of Hook.
Changes to schemes of links created by Hook for certain apps
This build introduces significant improvements in the format of the links that Hook creates for the following apps: Bear, Drafts, Evernote, nvALT, Fantastical and Ulysses. Links to items in other apps (such as Mail) are not affected.
The format of Hook links to and from Bear, Drafts, Evernote, nvALT, Fantastical and Ulysses items will change from hook://<app-name>
to <app-name>://
. Going forward, for these apps, Hook will generate links whose scheme is the app’s scheme. For example, instead of hook://bear/<identifier>
the scheme will be bear://x-callback-url/open-note?id=<identifier>
If you have previously created Hook window links to or from items in those apps, it is important to launch this build at least once, because this build will convert such links (in Hook’s database) to the new format. This conversion mechanism will then be removed in the upcoming official release of Hook.
As for hook:// links that you may have pasted in documents or notes (outside of Hook): This new Hook build automatically redirects them to the new scheme and format; we expect future builds of Hook to do the same (i.e., maintain compatibility).
If you would like more information, please consult this blog post.
- Links from webpages whose addresses contain special characters now work again.
- Fixed recent issues related to Hook window links in OmniFocus , and the hyperlinks that Hook inserts in the OmniFocus note fields when user selects
Link to New
. Also underlying improvements for OmniFocus. - Fixed an issue with Ulysses for Setapp customers.
- Fixed Help directory being empty on first installation of Hook.
- Fixed Hook window being empty if folder name ended with .hook
- “Exporting” dialog box now is closed by Hook before Hook presents success or failure dialog box.
- Fixed an issue in which custom OmniOutliner templates were ignored by
Link to New" > OmniOutliner.
- Significant scheme changes described above and on Hook’s blog.
- Improved robustness of Hook window links to files in directories whose paths change asynchronously from the current macOS instance (for cases such as when an unmounted shared, mobile, or version controlled folder changes and is remounted).
- When no file is selected in ACCESS LINKED ITEMS section, if the foreground item is a file, ⌘ENTER will reveal it in Finder (like it does with ⌘R)
- For apps that do not provide their users with sufficient automation (with AppleScript or JavaScript), Hook’s underlying Scripts framework has been internationalized. This build includes proof of this framework for nvALT in French. Hook does not yet ship with internationalized scripts for other apps and languages. Such internationalization will come, based on this framework. Apps that have sufficient automation work fine with Hook because Hook need not rely on screen scripting to control them. (See compatible apps). Feel free to encourage app developers to support automation; everyone benefits.
- Added support for Archives note-taking app (like nvALT).
- Improved support for HoudahSpot app: users can now link to/from its search results (not just to the entire HoudahSpot file).
- Improved wording of import / export dialog boxes. They now also include a hyperlink to the import/export help page which we encourage you to read before using this feature.
- Improved wording of status bar messages for non-linkable items.
- The Script Editor Preferences pane has been renamed to Scripts.
- Improved support for links between Bear and nvALT.
- Changes to the layout of two Preferences tabs.
- Remapped Gear menu > Help section> Keyboard Shortcuts entry to a new web page about keyboard shortcuts.
- Hook no longer includes Finder folders in
Link to New
if there’s no associated app to open them (e.g., .ooutline folders when no OmniOutliner app)
FYI: Out of the box
If you happen to use MindNode, Base 2, or DB Browser for SQLite, you’re in luck, because Hook has you covered, right out of the “box”.
Thank you to all users who reported issues through Hook Forum or other channels.