Thank you!
Here’s a script you can insert in Hook > Preferences > Scripts > Bookends > “Get Name”:
tell application id "com.sonnysoftware.bookends"
set selected_ids to «event ToySRUID» "Selection"
set selected_ids to words of selected_ids --coerces to list
set n to count of selected_ids
if n ≥ 1 then
set sid to item 1 of selected_ids
return «event ToySGUID» («event ToySRUID» "Selection") given «class RRTF»:"false", string:"APA 6th Edition"
end if
end tell
class RRTF»:"false"
.- I’ve chosen
string:"APA 6th Edition"
but you can delete that and Bookends will give you a default.
Here’s an example result:
I’ll ask devs to consider changing the default to something like the above. Different people might want different formats. Some people would want a citation format instead (like Author (year)). Given Bookends’ AppleScript dictionary and the configurability of Hook, there are many possibilities.
I’ve exchanged emails with Jon Ashwell of Sonny Software. He’s quite receptive to people asking questions about Hook+Bookends automation over at Bookends - I’m sure he and his community would be happy to suggest some AppleScript for whatever particular formats Hook users are drawn to.