Bookends Hooks link as formatted citation?

Dear Forum,

now that I own hook, I find myself wanting to use it more and more efficiently.

when linking to an entry in bookends, can I make the copied link appear like an (APA) formatted citation instead of just the document’s title?



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great request! I write papers too, and sometimes in APA format, and am switching from PapersApp to Bookends.

This would be possible to configure if Bookends has the required API–I wouldn’t be surprised. Would be a good question to ask on their forum: whether they have an API to get APA format. My migration will complete after a set of deadlines – july very busy here, but aim to have a look when I push my own migration through, if not before.

Curious to know if any Hook Bookends users are on the forum?

Yes :raising_hand_man:t3:
Also very interested in such a possibility.

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This would be very useful! I write mostly in Mellel, which has very tight integration with Bookends, but it would make life easier when I’m working in something else.

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That would be great! I will happily ask on their forum if I know what to ask for exactly!



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i.e., whether they have AppleScript, JavaScript or other API to “Copy as Reference” , where the reference is whatever is the current default (such as APA). I will look asap . I’m still clearing a backlog.

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Hi LucB,

great Job on the Hook2 release. Will need to dive in again. Work made me have a forced hiatus from paper publishing and Mac work…

Any update on the issue of links to Bookends in APA format?

thanks and stay safe!

Thank you!

Here’s a script you can insert in Hook > Preferences > Scripts > Bookends > “Get Name”:

tell application id "com.sonnysoftware.bookends"
	set selected_ids to «event ToySRUID» "Selection"
	set selected_ids to words of selected_ids --coerces to list
	set n to count of selected_ids
	if n ≥ 1 then
		set sid to item 1 of selected_ids
		return «event ToySGUID» («event ToySRUID» "Selection") given «class RRTF»:"false", string:"APA 6th Edition"
	end if
end tell


  1. class RRTF»:"false".
  2. I’ve chosen string:"APA 6th Edition" but you can delete that and Bookends will give you a default.

Here’s an example result:

Beaudoin, L. P. (1994). Goal processing in autonomous agents. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Birmingham, England, University of Birmingham (England) Birmingham.

I’ll ask devs to consider changing the default to something like the above. Different people might want different formats. Some people would want a citation format instead (like Author (year)). Given Bookends’ AppleScript dictionary and the configurability of Hook, there are many possibilities.

I’ve exchanged emails with Jon Ashwell of Sonny Software. He’s quite receptive to people asking questions about Hook+Bookends automation over at Bookends - I’m sure he and his community would be happy to suggest some AppleScript for whatever particular formats Hook users are drawn to.


I’ve started a discussion over at about this topic: Hook Copy Link name format for Bookends references.

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Cheers. Brilliant. Will give it a spin asap this weekend.

stay safe!


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Great news. Thanks!

(Good to see you’re a convert to Bookends, Luc!)

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