Apple Contact links across MacOS and iOS

I’ve been working testing the Apple Contact Hookmarks to see if it works across iOS and MacOS devices.

Specific use case: – From markdown rendered contact link I want open up the Contacts App. (Context: a lightweight CRM in DevonThink)

I’m testing out three versions of contact deep links: DevonThink, Hookmark, CardHop

  1. DevonThink Imported via Link Contact x-link

  2. HookMark Contact

  3. CardHop x-Link

Of the three only CardHop works on iOS.

I’d prefer to not to rely on CardHop if possible.

Question: Do Hookmark Apple Contacts links work across MacOS and iOS?

Welcome back, @leehammond .

For Hookmark, the Contacts link can be like: hook://addressbook/BB14A067-40C8-4FB2-A815-91CD63ADE5B8:ABPerson?n=mmy%20%20Brett&phone=6041234567
If you run the following command in terminal:
defaults write com.cogsciapps.hook 1

In addition to address id, contact name and phone will also be used to identify the contact. The link works across MacOS, unless you have two contacts with the same name and phone number.

We will make the link work on iOS, this probably will be done by a shortcut.

Thank you

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Thank you. This helps.