An Alfred Workflow for Browsing/finding your Hook bookmarks

We published this blog post, Browse All Your Hook Bookmarks with Alfred — It’s a Great Launcher for Your Mac, which discusses the Alfred workflow we posted here. Comments welcome. And please feel free to let us know about your LaunchBar actions or Alfred workflows , or your scripts that use Hook’s recently released AppleScript dictionary

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Hello Luc, I have both Launchbar and Alfred.
I prefer Launchbar
In terms of Hook, is one of the two more powerful ?
thank you

Welcome to the Hook Productivity Forum, @ronny213 .

They’re both great apps. We’re evenly distributed here on LaunchBar, Alfred, and neither. (I can’t imagine life without a launcher: My current 4-week LaunchBar usage is 292x day !) I personally don’t take sides re Alfred/ LaunchBar, and I don’t think Hook is the deciding factor. That said, LaunchBar has a ‘send to’ that is handy with Hook. But that is not a show stopper (and maybe Alfred will gain that if it doesn’t have it already).

Regarding the browsing/finding: an upcoming revision of Hook will include the ability to search hook bookmarks within the Hook window. if all goes according to plan, ETA: this summer – wish I could be more precise, but it’s a big update. Speaking of updates: next up is 1.8. Relevant to early adopters of Hook because it includes the Updates license mechanism.

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merci Luc. I don’t see a definition for the term Hook ‘Bookmark’ anywhere in the documentation, nor where they are stored

Thanks for asking, @ronny213. Bookmarks currently are only exposed in Hook’s AppleScript and are mentioned in the API, which is what Alfred , LaunchBar and similar automation tools use. They’re not accessible via Hook’s UI at the moment. When users hook two items together, Hook creates a ‘bookmark’ entry for either side of the link. Copy Link on files also creates a bookmark. We’ll add documentation when we expose them in Hook’s own UI.

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