Add to Hook via Save Window Tags

Would like to be able to add a “HookTo:” tag in the open/save dialogue and have files automatically hooked to each other. Would be very cool. :clap::clap:

welcome to the Hook Productivity Forum, @itsBREX, and thanks for asking about this.

I don’t know if this will fully meet your requirements, but in “open” dialog boxes, you can select multiple files and drag & drop them onto the menu bar icon. That will hook them together :slight_smile: .

Hi @itsBREX, if you are using Hazel if necessary, you could create a rule for it. This is how I do it with the tags.
A little Keyboard Maestro is also included :wink:


@alexander this looks really interesting!

I do use both Hazel and Keyboard Maestro! I’ve watched the video like 20 times, lol, but I am still a little confused.

Is the Keyboard Maestro macro just the double-tap to open the palette, which then opens the save dialogue box, then Hazel watches for new files in that folder
which then triggers the Keyboard Maestro tags modal, followed by Hazel removing the ‘Hook to’ tag?

If you wouldn’t mind sharing the Keyboard Maestro macro that would be great!

How did you have Hazel slide in from the left there btw?? Or, is that just video editing? Either way, thanks for the great video! :slight_smile:

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This is an animation effect in ScreenFlow. I use it to create all my videos and also gifs.

You can have the macros and also the Hazel rules. Do you also use TextExpander and BetterTouchTool?

Here is a short explanation of my workflow. Looks like a lot, but it is not :wink:

This palette contains all my print presets. Since I don’t want to use shortcuts, I call this palette with a BetterTouchTool gesture. As you can see in my gif, I only need to click on the macro “Desktop”.

This opens the “Print a PDF” dialog in every macOS apps. Afterwards I can call a date/file name preset via TextExpander in the “User Prompt Window”.

After I have entered the “Hook to” tag and saved the PDF to the desktop, the first Hazel rule is applied.
With the AppleScript the link is created using Hook. This link is then placed directly into the Hook Files folder.

The second Hazel rule monitors this input and then calls the Keyboard Maestro macro via AppleScript, which is responsible for capturing the tags.

The following Keyboard Maestro macro allows me to capture my tags via a user prompt.

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