Using Hook with Outlook for Mac

welcome to the Hook Productivity Forum, @pralayb. Sorry for the delay in responding. I blew out my Outlook test setup recently, and need to re-establish it.

Have you checked whether you’ve given Hook permission to access Outlook , per Accessibility Permissions – Hook. That’s usually the issue.

Also: if there is a Reminder, then Outlook’s AppleScript does not return the right result. Dismissing the reminder fixes the issue.

Otherwise, could you please let us know the version of Outlook that you are using, and of macOS? For the other MS Office apps: versions prior to 2016 are not supported.

Does Hook’s contextual window’s status bar show “No linkable item found” in Outlook when you invoke it in Outlook on emails you have received and sent, rather than on drafts. We would not expect drafts to be linkable because they don’t have a URL.

Also if you could send us a screenshot, that might help.

thank you.

@LucB LucB

I can provide additional detail - I’m having the same issue.

Outlook version: 16.38
screenshots attached too.Screen Shot 2020-06-08 at 11.21.46 PM

welcome to the Hook Productivity Forum, @damboyan. And thank you for posting.

could someone with the problem please try pasting the following code in Apple’s Script Editor (not Hook’s) while a message is selected, and running it, and see what gets returned?

`tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
set msg to first item of (get current messages)
get "outlook://" & id of msg
end tell`

Thank you.

@LucB Thanks for the reply! Tried the provided script and received this result:

error “Can’t get item 1 of {}.” number -1728 from item 1 of {}Screen Shot 2020-06-09 at 6.16.34 PM

@LucB any suggestions?

This seems to mean you are running an Insider Fast (aka “beta”) version of Outlook.

Compare: Outlook for Mac - Release notes for Insider Fast builds - Office Support.

Two of us here at CogSci Apps tested with Outlook version: 16.16 which is the latest official (non-beta) build from MS. It works fine. And our AppleScript test yields a different (and correct) response.

Perhaps Microsoft’s beta builds use a different bundle ID and maybe use a different app name. To verify, would you please run the following from the Terminal app, which normally lives in the
[/Applictions/Utilities folder](hook://file/V3vwC2mqk?p=Ly9BcHBsaWNhdGlvbnM=&n=Utilities) :

osascript -e 'id of app "Outlook"'

That command should return . That is the bundle ID of the app. If not, that would explain the Hook issue. We could easily remedy that.

If that is not the issue, it suggests a bug with MS Outlook. (The AppleScript response you suggests a bug on the Outlook side.) Here are some notes on that: Join | Office Insiders

to quote them:

Best for Insiders who want to use the very earliest builds to identify issues and provide feedback about new features still in development. Insider is ideal for those who don’t mind the bit of risk involved in using unsupported builds.

If there’s a bug with their beta, it would be helpful for Outlook Insider Fast users, and CogSci Apps, to report the problem to MicroSoft. But first things first.

Similar issue on my side; Hook seems to not work with Outlook.

Outlook version is 16.38 (20052612).

The id of app Outlook is

Microsoft Update is set to “Production”.

OK over here it is working now. What is not working is linking outlook calendar entries.

From the MsgLinkToClpbrd.scpt it sounds as if it should be possible, as it is looking at the “class” of the item selected.

Anyone knows how to hook outlook calendar entries?

Hi @damboyan ,

if you have overridden the Outlook script in Hook then, assuming your issue was similar to @eMaX’s above, deleting your override would revert to Hook’s built in version of this script, and solve your problem.

Here’s how: in Hook > Preferences > Scripts pane. Overridden scripts have a * in left pane. You can remove the override by clicking the - button on bottom left when the script is selected. Just select the Outlook script on the left and click the - button at the bottom left of the pane.

(A Bear user ran into the same thing with respect to Bear last year: Hook+Bear+OmniFocus).)

It doesn’t look that it is overridden…

But then, it’s working, only not for calendar entries (where I’d use it most, since it would allow me to hook all related documents to a meeting)
Screen Shot 2020-06-15 at 18.10.26

Hello @LucB, @damboyan and fellow Hook users,

Thank you for all your responses - unfortunately, I haven’t been able to get this to work still. I am pasting the relevant information below. I would really appreciate if someone could lay down step-by-step directions to get this to work.


Right clicking the image and hitting “open link in a new tab” shows the full-scale image with zoom to see the text clearly. I apologize for this inconvenience - I did not know of a better way to provide all the information.

Thank you,

Looks like even on the “Production” channel, the “New Outlook” mode breaks AppleScript support - see this thread on Microsoft UserVoice - and upvote!


Sorry to bump this, but what is the latest on this? Is there a new thread?

I am still having the same issue.

Sorry for the trouble.

Are you using New Outlook or the old one? Hook does not work with New Outlook because it does not support AppleScript.

If you are using the old Outlook, could you please provide more info to us, such as the Hook script version (you can get it from Hook preference window->Update tab), Hook version, and some screen shots.

Thank you

So because of the lack of AppleScript support we’re essentially out of luck? Is there any other way to potentially capture the outloook message ID? Or are we going to be required to “print to PDF” or some other hack. Understand that Microsoft doesn’t play well with others…

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Has anyone figured out this issue with the new Outlook? What is interesting is that old Hook links to Outlook I made before I moved to the new Outlook still work – they bring up the emails I originally linked to. How is that working? What are these Hook links linking to that still work in the new Outlook?

Yes, they do work. But new outlook does not allow creating links in other apps (except MA ToDo)

Any change here? Is Outlook for Mac currently supported? I tried it just now and got an error message.

According to Microsoft 365 Roadmap - Latest Updates | Microsoft 365, General Availability is scheduled for March 2023. Quite postponed…

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