As @LucB said in the post you linked to, @AutonomyGaps
This might point to the gap you sense (and I agree with you on that point). We have a model of the [mesh] network in our heads, but Hook does not. Which is not a fault, it’s just a fact.
I’ve seen three use patterns (which I believe are described elsewhere) in a nutshell.
- A binary connection of this to that "I want to take notes about this document, so I will have Hook create a single, linked note file"
- Immediately creating a one-to-many collection of this to those “I have already collected several related documents, so I will right now have Hook create a meshed set of links between them”
- Gradually creating a one-to-many, or many-to-many, collection of this or these to those "I am browsing or researching over time and will build up this collection depending on where my browsing and reading takes me"
This last one is, in my usage, the most frequent case and also the most difficult to manage with Hook. It’s really easy to do pattern #3 in DEVONthink or EagleFiler or Keep It – and maybe that’s what we users need to think about – is there a good method to make one of those apps work well with Hook and find value in doing so. So far, I’ve figured out ways to do pattern #3 but because it takes more steps to do so, I don’t yet find the value in using Hook in conjunction with (in my case) DEVONthink.
Hmmmm … need to think about this more