Hook Version 3.4.3 (4626, integration v. 201) is now available: Obsidian, MarsEdit, fmail, Drafts

Safe mode is off for that particular vault, Use UID instead of file paths is set, and UID field exists in the front matter of the particular note within the particular vault.

When I use the command Advanced URl: copy URI for file, I get the correct file link, i.e. obsidian://advanced-uri?vault=XX&uid=yyy.

For the same note, Hook gives [Note](obsidian://open?vault=XX&file=Note). I also tried the third method, i.e. with the following command: defaults write com.cogsciapps.hook integration.obsidian.URL.scheme hook-file. However, Hook gives me the same result as the second method.

In the following post, @voostindie described a similar issue. Not sure if that is related to this issue, though.

Unfortunately it does not work for me though. It doesn’t actually change the implementation of the 3 modes that were described earlier in the article.