Hook integration with Trickster


I’m the developer of Trickster, another productivity app for the Mac. Trickster is a menu-bar app that monitors folders that you select for modified or opened files apps and folders and then can give you quick access to them.

These days Trickster, along with Hook, participate in the WinterFest sale of artisanal Mac software.

Since Hook doesn’t have existing integration with Trickster, and Trickster does have enough AppleScript support to allow it expose the recent files it has, I’ve created the needed integration scripts. I hope they can be included in the future update scripts that are updated through Hook.

Here’s an example video of the integration in action. The scripts are below.

Get Name:

tell application "Trickster"
  set se to selected entries
  set t to item 1 of se
  set filename to file name of t
end tell

Get Address:

tell application "Trickster"
	set se to selected entries
	set t to item 1 of se
	set fileurl to (url of t)
	set a to POSIX path of fileurl
	set f to "file://" & a
end tell

I wrote a more detailed blog post about the integration, mostly for our customers, at https://blog.apparentsoft.com/trickster/1861/integrating-trickster-with-hook/

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super! I’ve updated my copy of Trickster which I had bought at a previous WinterFest or Summerfest.we’ll have a try and add Trickster support asap. Definitely relevant to our community.

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Thank you, Luc. That’ll be great to have “first-class” support for Trickster in Hook. I’m checking it out since yesterday. Really well-done. I had an idea for something similar to do in Trickster and, believe it or not, the same day that I’d written down this idea, I saw Hook mentioned for the first time. Went to see the site, docs and videos and understood that it’s better done and explained than I’d be able to do with Trickster, so I just happily deleted my plans for this.
When you enable the integration, please update me here so that I can update my blog post to reflect that this manual integration is no longer needed.

Cheers from Winnipeg, MB.

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That’s one of the things I love the most about developing Hook: the integration design puts me in touch with many devs and people who love great Mac apps!

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Done, per Hook integration scripts v. 97: Tickster supported - Releases - Hook Productivity Forum.

this includes support for both the Set App version of Tickster and the one downloaded from your website.

Great fit for our mutual customers.

Thanks again, @jacob!

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Great job noticing there’s a Setapp version. I forgot that it has a different Bundle ID.

Is there a way for Hook to add tags to both the first, source element of a linked pair, and the second file? I consulted with the developer of Trickster (see Filter for Hook Bookmarks? and other things - Trickster - Apparent Software Forum) to add a filter Trickster to find all Hooked files, but Trickster only finds the first element of a linked pair.