Create note in Notes app when Cmd+N is pressed

I want to use the Cmd+N keyboard shortcut to create a new note in the Notes app but because Notes uses a database to store its contents (and not a file) there is no template. Since the Cmd+N only offers to bind to a template file, I cannot figure out how to map Cmd+N to create a new note in Notes. Is this possible to do?

welcome to the forum, @mtrifiro !

You should be able to add these keyboard shortcuts in Apple menu > System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts

click +
select Hook
type the name of the app (Notes)
then your shortcut

I’ve not tested yet with Notes, but have with other apps, including Drafts and OmniFocus.

You may need to launch the command first before it sticks. (Across macOS I’ve encountered issues with keyboard shortcuts sticking only after first use).

If you’re using macOS 10.15 Catalina, however, then please see these notes.

I have a feeling that Apple docs somewhere suggest that the new binding is read only at the next login, so one may need to log out and then back in.

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