Some requests and comments

Forgive me if the following functionality already exists. I’ve only been using Hook for a day and am still learning the “dance.” I am not a developer, just a regular user so some of these points may be off.

Some early observations, questions, and comments:

  1. Seems like I’m juggling between the toolbar and the shortcut invoked Hook window. After I create the link between two objects it appears that I have to then open the Hook window to add more documents, seems cumbersome.
  2. It would be nice to be able to drag more than two items in the toolbar before the link disappears. Maybe have a configurable time delay prior to the link being removed.
  3. Do I have to authorize each new app I Hook despite having given Hook Full Disk Access?
  4. Would be nice to be able to visualize all your existing links in the toolbar if you want to “launch” them, or add to them.
  5. Shorter and easier to follow videos.
  6. Less confusing help pages.

Great idea, can’t wait to see where this goes.


I wondered the same – unfortunately, Mojave doesn’t trust anything we do, so it has to natter endlessly and ask the same permission in two different ways, full disk and individual automation permissions.

Thanks for all this. And sorry for delay. (I’m still getting the hang of managing Discourse forum).

Yes. Unfortunately, that is a “feature” of macOS Mojave. Right after WWDC, some prominent developers complained about this over Twitter and to Apple. We +1 that.

Thanks for all your feedback. We were delayed in documentation and do have a backlog of documentation to put out and videos to do, for sure. Hook’s easy to use once the onboarding is done. We need to improve onboading for sure.

Typically, one wants the window to go away because one then navigates to other items. (Similarly, launchers like LaunchBar and Alfred go away after one has interacted with them).
For persistent use, there is the menu bar icon which is always there. But it is designed differently.

We have considered adding a Preference to keep the window open at all times. Seems like that is what you’d like. So I will +1 that for you.

Open and on top of other windows, please.

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