Search does not find entries!

Just noted that hooked entries that are absolutely in the database cannot be found! Together with the flawed delete function, these are very serious shortcomings for me that make it practically impossible to use Hook at the moment. What’s the point of adding links that you can’t find using the search function? I’ll wait for the next update before using Hook again. @Luc: I made a video to illustrate this problem.

Sorry for the trouble.

Could you please post the video or send the video to

Thank you

Thanks for reaching out.
For deletion function, apparently there is a bug. We are currently investigating it.
For search, note that the items in Recent section can be quite dynamic, so it is not necessarily remembered (bookmarked) by Hook. So it is not searchable. To make Hook remember an URL, you can either “Copy Link”, “Hook to Copied Link” or “Pin” a link.
Hook’s search is not stemmed searching anymore as we recently changed the algorithm to cover searching in other languages. Instead, it matches by character sequences, For example, if you type ‘prot’, Hook will do search with ‘prot’ that matches both protecting and protection.

@Koen , You can also use the Add Bookmark Without Copying Title menu command. Its shortcut is ⌘D (like many browsers). It’s in the Title > Advanced menu.

I really don’t understand this. What do you mean by dynamic in this context? I have always assumed that as soon as I activate Hook via ⌘H the bookmark will be saved in the Hook database. Isn’t this so? I’ve also recently noticed something strange. I thought (but maybe I’m wrong here too) that every Hook bookmark is tagged “Hook”. However, how is it possible that I have 579 bookmarks in Hook’s search window, while a search via eg HoodahSpot (a very robust and reliable search tool that uses Spotlight indexes) only finds 111 files? Hook is a great instrument, but in my opinion the elaboration of it is not quite ready yet. I hope the next releases live up to a lot of the expectations I read on this forum anyway.

Thanks for your comment.
For recent items, we assume that most people would not care about very old items so Hook remembers only last 20 items and most likely people only care about most recent 3-5 items. It never crossed our mind they could be searchable. We probably should make them searchable.
We actually debated if to let Hook save the bookmark automatically whenever ⌘H is pressed. Perhaps we should put this in Preferences so people can have a choice.
The number of bookmarked files should match what HoodaSpot reports. We will investigated.
Thank you.

As noted, this is a feature. “RECENT” does not mean bookmarked. We do not want to automatically bookmark items on which user merely invokes Hook. For privacy reasons, they might not want the current item to be bookmarked.

There are plenty of easy ways to bookmark anything with Hook: Copy Link, Copy Markdown Link, Hook to Copied Link, menu bar icon-based hooking, and Add Bookmark Without Copying.

Dear Luc, thanks. This makes things more clear to me.

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