Drafts Hook to New Doesn't Quite Work

I have the newest version of Hook and the newest scripts. Hook to New – Drafts doesn’t fully work. It opens Drafts, starts a new Draft and pastes the name of the item I want to hook to. However, it fails to paste the URL. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Rochelle,

Hook to New > Drafts is not design to paste the URL in. It is design to ‘hook’ (bidirectionally link) the new draft to the source.

E.g., on this web page,

  1. I invoked Hook
  2. typed ⌃⌘N (equivalent to clicking on the Title menu and selecting Hook to New...
  3. selected Drafts

Then Hook did its thing leading to a new hooked Drafts doc. Proof being: I invoked Hook in Drafts and saw this:

Drafts Screen Shot 2020-09-07 at 23.24.38

(that’s a Hook 2.0 beta UI, so a bit different from what you would see).

are you saying that when you invoke Hook in Drafts you do not see the Hooked link, or vice versa?

Reporting that this now works without a problem. I’m using Hook 2.0.3 and Drafts 24.1.10.

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