Different Scope for Custom Shortcut with function with Same Name

There are two functions named Hook to Copied Link (docs). One is in the Title menu (⌃T) scope, the other Link menu (⌃L) scope.

I’d like to define custom keyboard shortcut (System Preferences → Keyboard → Shortcuts) for the each of those functions. How do I differentiate between the one for Title menu, and the one in Link menu?

For example in Mail.app, there are two Add to DEVONthink 3 functions. One in Mailbox scope, the other in Message. That way, I’d define as:

Screen Shot 2021-02-22 at 02.48.14

Welcome to the Hook Productivity Forum , @ybbond .

I’ve encountered this with other apps, and I don’t think macOS allows one to distinguish between different commands with same name.

The Hook > Preferences > Shortcuts allows you to setup a global keyboard shortcut for the Title menu commands, however.

From what I understand of how macOS custom shortcuts work, it looks for commands on menu bar. If there are same name, include the parents’ name separated by ->. Hence the solution for my custom Mail.app shortcuts I mentioned earlier.

Yes, I use the handy “Copy Link” shortcut. Allow me to have a system wide shortcut to copy current item link. Rather than, say, define Copy Item Link for DT and other supporting apps.

The use case I’d like to use/problem I currently encounter is a conflicting keybinding.

I use Paste - clipboard manager and their shortcut is ⌘⇧V. That shortcut has conflict with Hook’s Hook to Copied Link.

Currently I solve it from Paste’s side by setting shortcut to ⌃⌘⇧V, but I think it is a nice to have if Hook also allows more customization for any Title menu and Link menu.
